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Describing previously used methods

To date various nethods have been developed and introduced to measure X:In most recent studies, Xhas been measured in four different ways.Traditionally,X has been assessed by measuring..Different authors have neasured X in a variety of ways.Previous studies have based their criteria for selection on….The use of qualitative case studies is a well-established approach in.This test is widely available, and has been used in many investigationalstudies,

Giving reasons why a particular method was adopted or rejected

A case study approach was used to allowa ,Gualitative nethods offer an effective way of ..A quantitative approach was employed since .The design of the questionnaires was based on ", The X method is one ofthe more practical ways of ..

The semi-structured approach was chosen because .The X approach has a number of attractive features:The second advantage of using the multivariate nethod is ..For this study,the Ywas used to explore the subsurfaco "Smith et al,(1994)identify several advantagos of the case study,…

Indicating a specific method

X was prepared according to the procedure used by Patel et al.(1957)The synthesis of X was done according to the procedure of Smith(1973)X was synthesised using tho same method that was detailed for Y,using…This coapound was prepared by adapting the procedure used by 2hao et al.(1990).

An alternative method for making scales honogenous is by usingSauples were analysed for X as previously reported by $mith et al.(2012)

Describing the characteristics of the sample

Eligibility criteria required individuals to have received ..A random sanple of patients with…. was recruited fron ,Forty seven students studying X wore rocruited for this study.Just over half the sample(53%) was female, of whom 69% were..0f the initial cohort of 12$ students, 66 were female and 57 male.Only children aged between 10 and 15 years were included in the study.Eligible wonen who matched the selection criteria vere identified by .…The students were divided into two groups based on their performance on ..All of the participants were aged between 18 and 19 at the beginning ofthe study..

Indicating reasons for sample characteristics

Criteria for selecting the subjects were as follows:The area of study was chosen for its relatively small ..Five individuals were excluded fron the study on the basis of ..A suall sample waschosen because of the expected difficulty ofobtaining.

Describing the process: infinitive of purpose

In order to identify the Tlà and Tll spinous processes, the subjects wereasked to

In order to understand how X regulates Y, a series of transfections wasperforned.

To establish whether….,To measure X,a question asking …, was used.To see if the two methods gave the sane measurement, the data was plottedand *

Describing the process: typical verbs in the passive form

The data rere nornalised using ..

Descriptive data were generated for all variables.

The procedures of this study were approved by ...

Data for this study were retrospectively collected from ....

Proupts were used as an aid to question tro so that ..

The experiments were run using custou software written in".

Two sots of anonymised questionnaires were conpleted by ".

The solution was washed three tines with deionized water and..

A total of 256sauples were taken fron 52 boreboles(Figure ll).

Describing the process: sequence words and phrases

Prior to comencing the study, ethical clearance was sought frou ..Prlor to undertaking the investigation, ethical clearence was obtainedfTO .

In the end, the EOO was seloctod as the measurement tool for the currentstudy.

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