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开头的 intro 一段,10%,200-300 字左右


第一句介绍背景:Background : studies over the past two decades have providedimportanton ..第二句关键词定义:Definitionofkeyterms:Whileavariety ofdefinitions oftheterm X have been suggasted , the definition suggested by Smith (1968) who saw ita3第三句课题的重要性:Importance oftopic:In the history of developmemteconomies ,X has beenthought of as a key factor in ...第四句前研究不足:Highlighting inadequacies of previous studies : Althoughextensive research has been caried out on X , no single study exists which ..".第五句研究方法:Brief mention of your methodology:A combination ofquantitative and quaitative approaches was used in the data analysis第六旬研究方法的优势及不足:Indicatingsignifcance:Thepresent researchexplores , for the frist time , the effects of ... However , due to practical researchthis paper cannot provde a comprehensive review of ...第七旬观点陈述:Statement :The main issues addressed in this paper are : a )b )

andc )

第八至十句全文结构:Outliningthe structure:thl paper first gives a briefoverview of the recent history of X , The third chapter is concemned with themethodology used for this study , the fourth section presents the findings of theresearch ,focusing on the three key themes that ..

Main Body

中间主体部分占80%,如果分为3大段来写,每段占25%左右,如果分成4段每段占 20%左右。Mainbody 不管是分成三段还是四段,机构基本都是一样的,主要包括四个部分,主题句+例子十分析+结尾句。在写内容的时候可以先写outline ,不需要过于追求细节避免影响思路。


第一句主题句:为了更好与前文衔接,可以用despite开头:Despitethefocuson xox ,it appears that ... While ...第二句和第三句举例说明:Supportingevidence:Somebody suggests/arguesauthor ...第四句提出观点:可以是之前研究的不足,也可以是之前研究不同观点的矛盾智库,如果第一段已经提出观点,那么第二段就可以用inaddition 来呼应,第三段用 therefore 来呼应。第五句结尾:一句话总结观点要注意上下文呼应,根据自己写的内容总结就好




第一句对上述内容进行总结:Summaryofthemainthemes:Fromthereviewofthe curent litemture ,it can be seen that ...第二句指出内容研究不足:gp:while much of the previous literature hasfocussed on ... there have been few studies which cxamin ..第三句过渡句,承上启下:Linkgaptowriter'sownresearch:Thus there is scopefor further research which ...第四句总结观点:summary ofthe own research:Therefore , this study aims to..