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开场 overview


Hello everyonelm reallyhappy/t’sa greatpieasure/Thanks for giving methe opportunityto behere(to share mythoughts on)...简要概括背景知识+概况主题

i'm going to talk about/dlscuss,examine/look at*你的主题My presentation has/consists of/will be/is divided into three parts,First i will analyze/present you withyshow you...Then l will continue to explore/focuson/concentrate on...;Finally l will conctude/summarize.Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,Thanks for coming.0nbehalf of xxxx,l'd like to welcome you allto our offices.Hello evervone.ld like to welcome you to xxxx office,l trust that youall found us okaye

Hl everyone,i think we might still be missing a few people but i'mgoing to kickthings off now so we have time to get througheverything


During the next ten minutes,|shalL..在接下来十分钟,我会..My presentation wil lastforaboutton minutes..我的演示大概有十分钟...Iwon't take up more than ton minutes ofyourtime...我的演示不会越过十分钟..

i know that time is short so lintend to keep this brlef,我知道附间不多了.


i have s lot to cram in to the next ten minutesso,i'd better makea star...在接下来十分钟我要说的很多,所以我最好进入正题..


That's it on xox for today in briefweve covered...Well,that's just about all weve got time for today,unfortunately. i hope youhave learned something about xxx.Well,that concludes my presentation today,To refresh your memory,them ain take awrays are the following.Mumber one...That brings me to the end of my presentation, l hope youre alittle ciearer onwhat xxx is and when to use it.So to draw all that together next time you think about xxx consider thefollowing factors....That's all from mel



To return to the original questionwe can achlewe..So just to round the talk off,i want to go back to the baginningwhen lasked you.

thope that my presentation today will help you with whatl said at the seginning.

rhank you for listening,We have five minutes left over.Are there any juestions?

"hank you for your attention,i hope you've found this session useful i'd ee happy