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文献综述,英文叫Literature Review,主要是对现有文献进行归纳、总结、评价和解释,以理解并报告特定主题或问题上已有的研究成果。文献综述的核心在于发掘"research gap",即未被充分探索的研究空白,从而确定合适的研究方法(methodology)。

曾经,我也像很多人一样,在文献综述上花费大量时间却总是得到平平的成绩,直到我掌握了正确的技巧。我发现,成功的Literature Review并不仅仅是堆砌信息,而是如何精准有效地提炼和呈现这些信息。

现在告诉你,写好Literature Review其实并不难,关键在于理解其结构并运用恰当的例句。掌握了这些,你也可以轻松写出高分的文献综述!


Various studies have assessed the efficacy.

Researchers attempted to evaluate the impact of...

A great deal of previous research into X has focused on ...


During the past 30 years, much more information has become available


The first serious discussions and analyses of X emerged during the1970swith..


There are a number of large cross.

sectional studies which suggest...

Much of the previous research on X has been exploratory in nature...

Much of the X research has focused on identifying and evaluating the...


More recent attention has focused on the provision of...

There are relatively few historical stu.

dies in the area of...

large and growing body of literature has investigated..


It is now well established from a variety of studies that...

A number of studies have postulated a convergence between...


To measure X, a question asking ... Was used...

To determine whether ..., the cells were incubated for...

To rule out the possibility that X, the participants were..

For the attitude questions, a Likert scale was used..
