







01 研究问题介绍

  • 合理提出研究问题

"In the present study, the issue under is..."(在本研究中,所涉及的问题是...)

"This study is an attempt to address the issue..."(这项研究是为了解决这个问题...)

"Research into has a long history..."(这一研究领域有很长的历史...)


  • 阐明研究问题的重要性

"...is fundamental to..."(...对...至关重要。)

"...is a fast becoming a key instrument in..."(...正在迅速成为...中的关键工具。)

"...plays a vital role in the metabolism of..."(...在...的新陈代谢中起着至关重要的作用。)



02 相关研究回顾

  • 介绍既有的研究内容

"Most research on has been carried out in..."(大多数关于...的研究都是在...的情况下进行的。)

"Several systematic reviews of have been undertaken..."(已经进行了几项关于...的系统审查。)


  • 介绍过去工作的成果

"Several lines of evidence suggest that..."(一些证据表明...)

"Data from several studies suggest that..."(一些研究的数据表明...)


  • 过去的研究存在的问题

"Previous studies of have not dealt with..."(以前的研究没有涉及到...)

"Most studies in the field of have only focused on..."(该领域的大多数研究都只关注...)



03 论述主体部分

  • 个人主张立场

"In this paper, I put forward the claim that..."(在本文中,我提出了以下主张...)

"There is ample/growing support for the claim that..."(有充分/越来越多的证据支持以下说法...)

"On logical grounds, there is no compelling reason to..."(从逻辑上讲,没有令人信服的理由来...)


  • 阐明论述与证明部分

"There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that..."(似乎没有令人信服的理由来论证...)

"The underlying argument in favor of/against is that..."(赞成/反对的基本论点是...)

"On the basis of the evidence currently available, it seems fair to suggest that..."(根据现有的证据,似乎有理由认为...)



04 实验数据分析

  • 描述实验数据

"The aim of is to generalize beyond the data and..."(其目的是在数据之外进行归纳总结,并在此基础上提出新建议...)

"A closer look at the data in dictates that..."(对数据的仔细研究表明...)


  • 描述正向的实验结果

"Further analysis showed that..."(进一步的分析表明...)

"Strong evidence of X was found when..."(进一步的分析显示:...)


  • 阐述负面的实验结果

"No difference greater than X was observed..."(没有观察到大于X的差异...)

"No significant differences were found between..."(没有发现在...之间存在显著差异...)




