School Appeal Letter学校申诉信_copy20250305

School Appeal Letter学校申诉信_copy20250305

School Appeal Letter学校申诉信


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写这封学校上诉信样本的学生在 SAT 考试当天经历了一些极端情况,这对她的表现和分数产生了负面影响。在去考试的路上,她邻居的狗跑到她的车前,她撞死了狗。尽管伤心欲绝,但在帮助将狗带到兽医处后,她在门关上之前到达了测试地点,并试图参加她的第一次 SAT。然而,早上的事情是如此令人不安,以至于她无法正确集中注意力,导致成绩不佳。


Dear Dr. Rice,

I am writing to appeal the decision of ABC University to reject my application for admissions beginning with the fall semester 2018. I realize that most admissions decisions are final, but I do have some extenuating circumstances which I believe would be worth a few minutes of your time to examine.

I know that the reason for the rejection of my application is the fact that my SAT scores were below the average typically accepted at ABC. There is a reason for my poor performance on the first SAT. My second SAT was a tremendous improvement over my first; however I did not have the scores on my second SAT when the deadline came to submit my application to your office.

On the way to take my first SAT, my neighbor’s dog ran out in front of my car to chase a squirrel across the road. I applied my brakes, but still hit the dog. I quickly helped my neighbor take the dog to the local vet; however the dog died from the injuries. It was a horrifying experience. Nevertheless I went on to the SAT test site and took the exam, but I kept tearing up during the test and had a very hard time focusing. When my scores came back, they were very poor. My verbal score was 490; math was 500 and essay was 480 for a combined score of 1,470. Two months later I retook the exam and scored 670 on verbal, 690 on math and 680 on the essay for a combined score of 2,040.

As you can see, I am capable of far better SAT scores than those I made on the first exam. I ask that you reconsider my application taking into consideration these scores made on my second SAT. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I am available for a meeting any time at your convenience and can be reached via the contact information listed above.


Mary Ann Jackson

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